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Learning Lesson 1


The group based on the trainer's instruction will do group activity. Based on the group activity, how will you assess yourself as a Leader?

Leader as a Guide

Is one who assumes the role of a director, organizer, mentor, guro or adviser.

​Leader as a Front runner

Is one who can spearhead, leading light, trailblazer, and ground breaker.

Leader as a Head

Is one who can be called as chief, manager, superior, principal, toss and superior.


Is a process of giving control, guidance, headship, direction and governance. It is a key dynamic that motivates and coordinates organizations to accomplish its objectives. Without being inspired by a leader, a total organization or a department might drift along with no careful focus on key objectives such as trying to improve worker safety.


The ability to inspire, confidence, support among the people who are need to attain organizational goals.

In the definitions presented under learning session 1, which of them do you think fits you as a leader and what leadership capability were you able to adopt?

Leadership as Art

Is the art of influencing and directing others to do assigned tasks or goals, in such as way as to obtain them. There is obedience, respect, loyalty and cooperation. Leadership can be exercised by anyone irrespective of the framework of command. Also, it is the process of guiding and directing the behavior of the people in the work environment.

Learning Session 2

Using the list of characteristics of effective Team/Group leader below, draw a star if you think you have the greatest potential and draw a happy face for your least potential. Put only the symbols in your activity booklet.

  • Communication

  • Open, honest and fair

  • Make decisions with input from others

  • Act consistency

  • Give the team/group members the information they need to their job

  • Keep focused through follow-up

  • Listen to feedback and ask questions

  • Create an atmosphere of growth

  • Give praise and recognition

  • Criticize constructively and address problems

  • Set guidance for how teams/group members are to treat one another.

  • Share their mission an goals.

  • Display tolerance and flexibility

  • Demonstrate assertiveness

  • Exhibit a willingness to change

  • Accept ownership for team decisions

  • Want to take charge

Learning Session 3

Not all the time you will become a leader, you could be a member for quite sometimes.

Characteristics of Effective Team/Group Member

  • Supportive

  • Help the leader to succeed

  • Express opinions both for and against

  • Compliments the leader on teams effort

  • Provided open, honest and accurate information

  • Support, protect and defend both the team

  • Act in a positive and constructive manner

  • Understand personal and team roles

  • Bring problems to the team

  • Accept ownership from team decisions

  • Recognized that each serve as a team leader

  • Participate for team decision

  • Participate voluntary

  • Maintain confidentiality

  • Give praise and recognition when warranted

  • Operate within the parameters of team/group rules

  • Share ideas freely and enthusiastically

  • Encourage others to express their ideas fully


Learning Session 4

According to spears (2002) There are ten principles about servant Leadership, read carefully and internalize its meaning. Prepare blocks in you booklet and write your priority principles as your guide in your leadership undertaking.


The servant leader seeks to identify the will of the group and helps clarify that will. He or she will seeks to listen receptively to what id being said.


The servant leader strives to understand and emphasize with other. People need to be accepted and recognized for their special unique spirits.


One of the greatest strength of a servant leadership if the potential of healing one’s self and other whereby many people have broken spirits and have suffered from variety of emotional hurts.


It aids one in understanding issue in involving ethics and values and view most situations from a more integrated and holistic position.


Another characteristics of a servant leader is a primary reliance on persuasion rather than positional authority in making decisions within an organization.


Servant leaders seek to nurture their abilities to “dream great dreams”. The ability to at problems from a conceptualizing perspective means that one must think beyond-to-day realities.


This enables the servant leader to understand the lessons from the past realities of the present and the likely consequence of a decision for the future.

Building community

Servant Leadership suggest that the true community can be created among those who work in business and other institutions.

Learning Session 5

Using the old newspaper and paste, make the tallest, strongest, creative tower in 15 minutes The secretary will take note of any actions, reactions or any observations being done by the group. Relate it with the different styles of leadership as presented in the activity workshop. Consider the different behaviors done the group.


Authoritarian Leadership

Leads his men by means of his rank position. A self-centered type of leadership where he believes he is the only one capable of directing his subordinates

Paternalistic Leadership

Leads his men by always setting example. This type of leader manifests an example of a father, who seems to be always after the welfare of his children.

Participative Leadership

Makes his man participate activity in the task of the organization but the leader reserves the right to make final decisions on the critical matters.

Lassie-Faire Leadership

Leaves decision making to his subordinates. He will give assignment, and than it is up for his men to accomplish the task in whatever manner they can accomplish.

Learning Session 6

Try to analyze the tree with the “Where am I”. Select one number that best describe your position. Make sure you will have an open discussion why you choose that number.

Learning Session 7

Draw yourself as a NEW LEADER OF THE GENERATION. Identify the most important parts of your body that gives the great leadership potentials. Use your activity booklet. Be creative.

Learning Session 8

The most awaited learning session. Each individual will have one bond paper. Write five outstanding characteristics you possess in the paper. Each will be represented by different  illustration (see sample below). Then, you have to move around and try to find out who among your classmate possess the same; you have to get their name place it besides the same characteristics as you have. Each will be given 20 minutes to go around and find your outstanding partners. The activity can be called as a “parade of outstanding Leaders”.

Workshop Guidelines

Based on the groupings identified , each group will perform the following

Base 1 – Flag Folding

Base 2 – Historic Scenario

Base 3 -   Song manifesting love of country

Base 4 – Singing and Choral Recitation

Based on the different activities made in citizenship training ; each group will prepare a petitions or personal intentions using metacards .Post your output in your respective corner. Light your candle and pray together.



We, the sovereign Filipino people,

Imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society

and establish  a Government

that shall embody our ideals and aspiration,

promote the common good, conserve and develop out patrimony, and secure to ourselves our posterity the blessings of independence and democracy

under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice,

freedom, love, equality and peace , do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.



Based on the Preamble, identify the Good Citizenship core values



Faith in the Almighty God




Concern for the Family and Future Generations




Concern for the Environment



Respect for the Law and Government

Respect for Life



Promotion of Common Good


  • Faith in the Almighty God

  • Respect for Life

  • Order

  • Work

  • Concern for the Family and Future Generations


  • Love

  • Freedom

  • Peace

  • Truth

  • Justice


  • Concern for the Environment


  • Unity

  • Equality

  • Respect for the Law and Government

  • Patriotism

  • Promotion of Common Good

Based on the  core values assigned to your group, make  a slogan that will depict the nature of good citizenship . Each slogan shall comprise of not more than 12 substantive words. Present your output creatively. ( p. 37 etc.)

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